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Welcome to the Central Kansas Football League, a youth football league for boys and girls across the state of Kansas. Our program is proudly supported by the nonprofit organization, Kansas Youth Sports.

Our league consists of both an 8 man and 11 man division, aligned with the divisional structure of high schools, allowing our young athletes to transition smoothly into the next level of competitive football. 

Our focus is not just on winning, but on fostering a love and respect for the game, sportsmanship, and teamwork. The league is open to kids of all skill levels and we strive to provide a safe, inclusive and competitive environment. Whether your child is a seasoned player or just starting out, the CKFL has a place for them. 

Thank you for considering Central Kansas Football League for your child's football experience. We are confident that your child will have a great time learning and growing with us.



Our coaches are the heart of the Central Kansas Football League (CKFL), and we are incredibly grateful for their dedication and commitment to helping our young athletes learn, grow, and thrive both on and off the field.


All of our coaches are volunteers who generously donate their time and energy to fostering a positive and supportive environment for our players. During practice, teams may have as many coaches/helpers as they see fit, providing personalized attention and guidance to each and every athlete.


On game day, we limit the number of coaches on the sidelines to a maximum of four to ensure a safe and organized experience for everyone involved. All coaches are verified through the USA Football Heads Up course, which provides them with the training and education necessary to effectively teach and promote safe and responsible football practices.


If you are interested in volunteering as a coach or have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to support and empower our coaches in any way we can and are deeply appreciative of their invaluable contributions to our program.




Are you looking for a fun, safe, and competitive football league for your child? Look no further than the Central Kansas Football League (CKFL)!


Our league is all about fostering a love of the game while promoting teamwork and friendship building for the long haul. That's why our athletes play for their attending schools' teams, ensuring that they're working together with familiar faces both on the field and off.


For our 4th graders, games are played on a quarter of the standard field, giving them plenty of space to spread their wings but keeping things manageable for their age. Our 5th, 6th, and 8 MAN teams play full field. 

To maintain player safety, our 8MAN & 11MAN players have weight limits for carrying the ball. Athletes will weigh in with a certified CKFL staff member at equipment check out for the 2024 season. Any athlete above the weight limit will have a black X placed on the back of their helmet, ensuring that everyone is playing safely and according to the rules. 


8MAN: 130 lbs 


4th: 100 lbs

5th: 120 lbs

6th:  130 lbs


So what are you waiting for? Sign up your child for the CKFL today and see their love of the game grow and flourish!





To ensure the safety and well-being of all CKFL players, it is mandatory that they turn in a sports physical prior to participating in any league activities. The physical must be completed and signed by a licensed physician, and submitted to your coach/league representative before the start of the season.


To obtain the necessary paperwork, players can visit their doctor's office and request a sports physical form, or they can print one off below and take it with them to their appointment. It is important for players to schedule their physicals well in advance to allow time for processing and submission before the start of the season.


Remember, the safety of our players is our top priority. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that all CKFL players are physically prepared for the upcoming season.




Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to become part of a passionate team in football? Look no further than the CKFL! Our league is fortunate to have a dedicated group of referees from across the state who are certified through KASHAA. They have been with us since our inception in 2014 and are an essential part of our organization. Our referees are also part of the high school refereeing crews, ensuring that they stay up-to-date with the latest rules and regulation.


At the CKFL, we believe in building long-standing relationships with players, coaches, and parents. As kids grow up playing football in our league, they see the same friendly and reliable faces officiating their games. We take pride in being a tight-knit community.


If you're interested in joining our crew of referees, we'd love to hear from you! We're always on the lookout for passionate and committed individuals who share our love for football. Contact us today to learn more about the application process and requirements. We look forward to welcoming you to the CKFL family.

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